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As hygiene and disinfection professionals, we believe that to move forward, communicate is necessary.

News and events

S.A. PRODER advances with new optimised process systems and products reacting to market needs, even with the highest level of quality certified by AENOR.

This section contains the most relevant news about our company.

Imagen de portada para entrada de marzo, sí vivimos HIP 2025

That’s how we live HIP 2025

That’s how we live HIP 2025 as an exhibitor at the VI National Congress on Dependency and Healthcare by Alimarket within the framework of the largest event for the HORECA field.

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Imagen de portada para entrada Nuevo ECOSAFETY del mes de febrero.

The ECOSAFETY ® evolution

Our bag-in-box eco-packaging has been updated and incorporates improvements that make it more environmentally friendly and safer. This is the ECOSAFETY ® evolution.

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If you are a media member, and you have any requests or queries. Please, contact the S.A. PRODER Press Office.

Telephone: +34 937 132 025
e-mail: marketing@saproder.com

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