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We provide the necessary service and technology to guarantee the satisfaction of our customers, whatever their sector.

Who do we address?

imagen de áreas de negocio para lavandería profesional.

Professional laundry

Our products and dosing systems solve and improve the needs of professional laundry, optimising every process parameter to the maximum.

Collective kitchens

The main objective of our range of products and systems for collective kitchens is to guarantee the healthiness of food while preserving its organoleptic properties.

imagen de áreas de negocio para cocinas colectivas.
imagen de áreas de negocio para limpieza profesional.

Professional cleaning

We propose professional products and systems for cleaning, disinfecting, and maintaining rooms, floors, bathrooms, and common areas in communities.

Health field

A wide range of antiseptic and surface disinfectant products are approved for the healthcare sector to protect patients and medical staff.

imagen de áreas de negocio para salud y centros sanitarios.
imagen de áreas de negocio para hgiene alimentaria.

Food hygiene

We offer some product ranges and application systems for cleaning and disinfection of these areas where food is handled, prepared, served or consumed.

Chemical specialties

Technical formulations for industries with specific characteristics solve the toughest cleaning and maintenance tasks.

imagen de áreas de negocio para especialidades químicas.


See our catalogue of hygiene and disinfection products and systems to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

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